How can I Prevent Blisters When Pushing My Wheelchair?
Jul 06, 2018Anonymous asks, quote:
Hey sorry if you’ve gotten this question before but I’m looking for some advice. I just recently started using a wheelchair and have been getting a lot of blisters on my hands. I’ve bought some biking gloves and that has reduced the amount but I’m still getting them and I haven’t found a way to prevent the blisters from forming and popping besides having someone else push for me, which ain’t always an option. Any advice?
end quote.
My Advice:
- pick up a better pair of gloves.
- Always push with both the tire and the rim, not just the rim.
- Time. Eventually, you’ll form callouses (nature’s body armor!) that will help prevent the blisters.
- Tape your hands in the spots that get blisters (in addition to the gloves).