What Brands of Wheelchair Do You Recommend?
Jul 06, 2018Anonymous asks, quote:
Hi! I’ve recently been diagnosed with dysautonomia, and with this along with my other illnesses (specifically my arthritis has had is the worst), I want to look into getting a chair. I was wondering if you had any suggestions on brands or how to choose a chair, since I honestly have no idea where to start.
end quote.
You’re in luck! I just finished writing up a guide to buying a new chair.
As far as brands go, I have two chairs: a fixed‐frame TiLite and a folding‐frame Ki. Both are titanium ultralights.
I am really happy with TiLite’s fixed frame chairs, but their folding frames have a less-than-stellar reputation.
The Ki is my first chair from that brand and I am overall quite happy with it. It rolls really smoothly and can handle more some of the more…rigorous treatment from non‐US airlines.