What Options Are Available If I Can’t Afford a Custom Wheelchair?
Sep 19, 2020Anonymous asks, quote:
Is there a middle ground between a custom chair and a hospital/standard one? I’m currently renting a standard, but there’s a good chance I’ll need a longer term one in the future and I can’t currently afford a custom wheelchair.
end quote.
I would reach out to a vendor like NuMotion or Kohll’s and see what they can do for you. Usually, vendors like this will have a (very) small selection of chairs that were custom ordered but the client wasn’t able to pay for. There won’t be a ton of options, but what’s available will be better than any hospital chair. Additionally, these vendors will help you navigate the insurance process and make sure you’re able to take advantages of every possible option available to you.
All that being said, the first thing you should do is reach out to your primary care provider (if you have one) and get a prescription for a chair. That’s going to make things a lot easier for you, no matter what you decide to do.